Morph My City Report – Transforming Regina: Planning for 2040 and beyond

The Vision of Earth team is proud to have been selected as finalists for the Morph My City 2040 Competition. Today we present our findings at the National Infrastructure Summit in Regina. This morning we are pleased to publish our report detailing the full results of our analysis (PDF, 114 pages). We believe these ideas are best placed in the hands and minds of the public where they can do the most good.

In this spirit, we will also be sharing our vision at a public presentation. This will be occurring at the University of Regina in ED 193 at 7pm on Wednesday September 12th. The presentation will be oriented towards members of the general public. The Vision of Earth team will present the highlights of our roadmap for producing a more sustainable Rosemont and Regina towards the year 2040.

Kyle Laskowski

I am a graduate from the University of Regina’s Honours Physics program from rural Saskatchewan. After taking a keen interest in the Saskatchewan Uranium Development Partnership consultation effort, I have become interested in studying and writing about a diverse range of topics, as you seen on Vision Of Earth now. Recent additions to my interested include machine learning, space flight and our future relationship with Mars.

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